Monday 15 July 2019

Data Import and Visit to the Google, Bangalore office.

After the data was arranged in a suitable format and converted into shapefile, it was imported as an earth engine asset. I began the code by importing the Sentinel 2 MSI Level 1C data and the shapefile in the GEE code editor interface. I then filtered the image collection based on the temporal and spatial resolution of the available ground truth data.

The next task was to get a list of a feature collection that did not have clouds over them in the filtered image collection. I used ‘QA60’ band data for the same. I used the max reducer to reduce regions. After filtering the feature collection based on the ‘QA60’ mask, it was intended to get the matching dates for the satellite data and the available ground truth data. I am still struggling to find that part out. But it will be done soon.

By this time, I had spent some 3 weeks in Bangalore. I was getting well-adjusted there when I realized I had to leave already. I had a flight back to Delhi on 30th June, so I wanted to wrap up at least the initial part of the project. So, the next step in the process was to export the satellite band information in the form of the table after which it is planned to chart the pixel values against the ground truth data. This will help in analyzing the relationship between the band and the in-situ data. this step will be initiated once the table-data is exported.

Devaja ma’am had scheduled a visit to the Google office for me and my project mentor, Raj on 25th June 2019. A meeting with Ujaval sir was also lined up so that we can discuss on what all has been done till then related to the project. I presented my literature review as well, which was followed by suggestions on how I can improve the code that was done until then. 

I was lucky enough to click some of the pictures with Raj and Devaja ma'am. Sharing some of them here.

I heartily thank Devaja ma'am and Ujaval sir for having us at Google office and will be looking forward to meeting them again. 

So, all in all, I had a great time working full-time at WRI, Bangalore. I'll be visiting again at the end of the month of July for the progress presentation. I am really excited about that and will be looking forward to having more insights into the project.

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