Thursday 9 May 2019

First week into Summer of Earth Engine program

I am very new to blogging, so this is going to be very basic. I would include all I can think of while going through the whole project. It'll be like a story, though!

It was just another morning for me. I had started thinking that I must not be shortlisted for the SoEE program because I had not received any mail by then. The results were supposed to be released on 30th April, but they got delayed by 2 days. Anyway, I had already stopped thinking about it when I saw "Congratulations on being...." in my notification panel. I think I got a bit awestruck, maybe? I don't know. I was thrilled, obviously. So, I told my friends, my project guide, family about this wonderful opportunity that was given to me and they were all so happy about it. Yeah! It was a Google internship.

I am thankful to Google and WRI to consider me worthy of this internship. I am very excited to learn about Earth Engine and its implementation in remote sensing. I am highly grateful to my project guide at my college, Dr. Amba Shetty, without whom I wouldn't have come across the GEE platform. 

Into this week of the SoEE program, I have begun with enhancing my insight into the project. My mentor, Mr. Raj Bhagat, along with his other team-mates, will be guiding me throughout this project. I am looking forward to this wonderful opportunity. I hope I am able to carry out my responsibilities towards this project in a very well-organized and sincerest way.

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